Exciting news!! MSRB Document Changes - Digitized Photographs

Hello Comrades

As you know, we are now into year #9 of our Military Service Recognition Book Program, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Branches, Districts, Zones, members of our P.E.C., members of our Ladies Auxiliary and our Command staff, for all of your support with this very important Veterans Program of Remembrance over these past eight years.

When we first introduced our program in 2013, we introduced a Fact Sheet for all Branches and everyone to utilize as a guideline as to the requirements for submitting Military Service Recognition Book Submission Forms and Veteran Photographs. Other than a few minor changes to this Fact Sheet, we have continued to utilize the same one over these past eight years.

Thanks to our Publisher, Fenety Marketing, they have now agreed that since most people are well into an electronic computerized world, we are now able to accept fully completed submission forms electronically as well as high resolution digitized Veteran photographs.

The revised Fact Sheet and Submission Form are attached outlining the new process that may be utilized in the submission process effective immediately. The digitized electronic photographs need to be of high quality, or they will not appear to be very clear in our published books. I would caution Branches to take special note of the procedures to be followed regarding acceptance of digitized photographs under Submissions and Photographs on page 2 of the Fact Sheet. I have highlighted some of these procedures below:

  • Electronic Digital Photographs are acceptable, but the digital photograph should be a minimum of 300 DPI (dots per inch), at original size, saved to the highest quality possible. If it is a lower resolution photograph it will not print well in our published book.

  • If the submission form and photograph are being sent electronically, the submission form must contain a signature of the Veteran or family member along with all other required information on the submission form.

  • Documents being sent electronically are to be in a pdf file and digitized photographs are to be in a photo file such as a jpeg file.

  • Electronic submissions are to be sent to our Provincial Coordinators Carolyn McCaul or Mary Ann Goheen to their email addresses indicated. If they are sent to any other email address, they will not be accepted, and they are NOT to be sent to our Command Headquarters.

Several Branches have been requesting this revised method of submitting MSRB Veteran submissions over the past few months, and we are happy that our Publisher has now agreed to accepting them through this electronic means.

Hopefully, this will now assist Branches in the recruitment process with Veteran submissions. The newly revised forms will also be included on our Command website.

Best Regards,

Ron Goebel
Military Service Recognition Book Program
The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Provincial Command


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